In the beginning of 2020, the world changed due to covid. We could not travel but in order to stay active our family started to explore the beautiful region of Wallachia. And because of having children we faced a challenge of making the trips interesting for them, too. And that is how it all started. We discovered gorges. We found a part of nature where even small kids never get bored, where there are many obstacles to climb or jump over, bizarre rocks, crooked roots, the greenest mosses, little waterfalls, aquatic flowers and trees… Place where employing your imagination you can see dragons, dwarfs and wizards, where you can be a little afraid and also experience joy when you (maybe with a little help of your parent) overcome an obstacle. And you can find all of this literally around the corner, just a few minutes from your house or hotel.

Gorges are beautiful. The brooks that created them uncovered the Wallachian stony bedrock, undermined roots of trees, in gentler slopes they meander and in other places they jump over rocky cascades giving origin to damp mossy gardens full of flowers and life. By all of this they concentrated a solid portion of wonderful nature in one place. We know this from other situations. You only take a few steps off the beaten track and gain a different perspective, different world, different reality. Gorges are the same – just a few steps off the road and we found a different world.

In our opinion, it is interesting to share gorge recommendations with other nature-lovers and that is how the idea of came into existence. We named it after the Czech word “rokle” which means a gorge. We hope that our recommendations help you find an interesting trip to take and we will be really glad if you manage to explore and share a new gorge so that we can broaden the current selection.

We as people left in some gorges an ugly trace in form of various litter ranging from plastic bottles to car tyres, pots or stoves. I would like to encourage you to clean up the gorges during our trips. Sometimes it will be literally a job for the men. Thank you.

Long live rokling!

Petr Hurta